Milana is two and a half and she started coming to the Club for hearing impaired toddlers that we sponsor a few months ago. She’s a good example of how this club helps deaf children in their whole development. Families and children with deaf children often find it difficult to take part in mainstream children’s activities, so it’s vital we look at the child’s needs as a whole, and don’t just focus on their hearing.
Until she came to our Club, Milana was having individual sessions at the Centre for the Deaf. Her parents noticed that she was having difficulty concentrating and sitting still. She would easily get distracted and start running around at the sessions. This was also happening at home and her behaviour was starting to worry her parents.
Milana’s first few sessions at our Club weren’t easy. However, after a while, Milana started to watch the other children, if only for a little while. Our colleagues suggested various games and activities, which could help Milana to learn to watch, repeat various actions. All of these could be used at home as part of everyday life. They discussed with her parents, who are also deaf, how to help Milana to learn various skills and habits both at the Club and at home.
They found out that Milana loves drawing and plasticine. She particularly loves drawing and will draw for a long time without running around. She watches how the other children draw and tries to copy them. Our colleagues can use this interest to help her improve her concentration. They and Milana’s parents have noticed small, but significant improvements in Milana’s behaviour. We are sure that soon she will learn new skills and habits. She has wonderful parents: both mum and dad are kind, attentive and caring! They always come to the Club together.