The value of a good supervisor

Since we started working together, The Rain Kids Centre’s goal has been to improve the quality of the therapy they are able to offer children with developmental disabilities, such as autism. St Gregory’s has been funding supervision by an experienced therapist from Romania. She has visited to observe the work of the centre and provide training sessions.

Our colleagues report that they are already seeing benefits. They have learnt new methods of evaluating the challenges the children face, so that they can draw up better care plans for each child. They have also structured their record keeping so that parents can see clearly the progress their child is making. The process is also quicker so that therapists spend less time on paperwork and more time with the children. And of course, throughout, the supervisor was able to introduce new ideas into the teaching itself, helping to motivate children and bringing visible progress.

Parents reported, “We are impressed by the involvement and professional skills of the supervisor. She gave unique tips on how to work with our child to promote his progress.” and “We felt involved in the therapeutic process, with feedback and discussions about how we can support progress at home.” 

Now our goal is to fund the lead therapist, Ana Cislaru, to qualify as a supervisor in ABA therapy, so that she can continue to work with the whole staff to improve their skills.