Annual Report and Accounts for the year to 31 December 2023 

Chairman’s report

Our charity has been supporting vulnerable children and young people in Russia and other countries in Eastern Europe for over 30 years. The war in Ukraine and the economic crisis badly affected our partner organisations and created enormous difficulties for them after sanctions in 2022 made it impossible to send grants to Russia.

This has also meant that fundraising in the UK has become more difficult. The impact on us has been fundamental as St Gregory’s was unable to deliver services to its beneficiaries in Russia. This included paying salaries,providing food supplies, organising training sessions and more. SGF continued to raise funds and the crisis had little impact on the charity’s reputation but fundraising has notably decreased.

In spite of the difficulties in fundraising, we have been able to support all the projects without drawing on our reserves, mainly thanks to a generous legacy of £52,000 received in mid year.

The charity decided it would be prudent and appropriate for the Foundation to extend its support to registered charities across Eastern Europe. Following a fact-finding assessment visit to Moldova, three grass-roots projects in Moldova received funding in August-September 2023. It is planned that further non-Russian projects will be added to the project list in 2024. Read More . . .

Summary of the accounts