The Sunflower Centre

Sunflower's logo

The Sunflower Centre in St Petersburg offers an innovative and successful approach to helping young people and parents who grew up in orphanages adapt to adult life.

Physical Rehabilitation

Physical Rehabilitation logo

In the 1990s, SGF helped to introduce physiotherapy to Russia.  Physical Rehabilitation is a charity set up by Dr Ekaterina Klochkova, one of our original trainees.  It provides training for specialists and support for people with disabilities and their families.  PR is now introducing Alternative Technology to Russia to help disabled children communicate and become more independent.

The Early Intervention Institute

Early Intervention Institute logo

The EII gets help to disabled children in their early years when it can have maximum effect.  They support families and train specialists in this approach.  SGF funds their Club for families with deaf or hearing impaired toddlers.

Kondopoga Parish

Kondopoga chapel with parishioners

Led by Father Lev Bolshakov, Kondopoga parish in Karelia, NW Russia is a remarkable community, committed to serving the poor and the children of their community.


Mkurnali logo

Mkurnali means “healing” in Georgian.  It is a Tbilisi-based charity that supports homeless teenagers, particularly those who are in trouble with the criminal justice system.  It is run by Nino Chubabria, assisted by Jamal, a former client.

Rain Kids

Rain Kids (Copiii Ploii) is based in Chișinău, the capital of Moldova. The charity provides therapy to children with special needs. St Gregory’s is funding training for their professional therapists to help raise the standard of care.

The Wish

The Wish (Dorintsa) is based in Călărași, an hour from the capital of Moldova. They provide therapy and education for children with additional needs in this mainly rural area. St Gregory’s funding means more children can access the therapy they need.

Sunny Corner

Sunny Corner (Plaiul Soarelui) runs a farm in the Moldovan countryside, where young people with disabilities can get involved in meaningful work and social activities. St Gregory’s has helped sponsor a charity ball, with the aim of raising enough money to buy the farm outright.